Monday, December 9, 2019

Employee’s Dissatisfaction At The Organisation †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Employees Dissatisfaction At The Organisation. Answer: Introduction: Employees are the very important part of the organisation. It has been analysed that satisfying the employees at the workplace is very essential for the organisational success. This report focuses on the causes that lead to employees dissatisfaction at the organisation and its negative impact that may cause damage to the organisational success if the dissatisfaction level of the employees remains the same (Parvin and Kabir, 2011). The organisation that has been selected to understand the concepts is The Home makers (fictitious company). It is the company that deals with production of plastic lunch boxes and other kinds of boxes that are sued at home for keeping the stuffs. The report also focuses on some of the various recommendations that can be used by the company to improve the satisfaction level of the employees. Literature review: The outstanding performance of the employees at the organisation is the reflection of their satisfaction level from their job. Job satisfaction varies from person to person and job to job. In contrast to this, there are factors that affect the satisfaction level of the employees in negative way and thus develop job dissatisfaction amongst the employees. Job dissatisfaction matters and it matters to each and every stakeholders of the organisation such as managers, customers, employees etc. there can be many cause for job dissatisfaction or employee dissatisfaction (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl and Maude, 2017). One of the most important they that can be related with this concept is Herzberg two factor theory. This is the theory of motivation and motivation is one of the biggest factors that affect the satisfaction level of the employees. As per this theory, there are set of factors that lead to satisfaction of the employees and set o other factors that results in preventing satisfaction (Gi ll, Flaschner, Shah and Bhutani, 2010). As per him, the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction but it is no satisfaction the first set of factors is known as motivators. These factors develop motivation and satisfaction amongst the employees. Motivators involve the presence of recognition policies, promotion of the employees, incentives, rewards etc. The presence of these factors motivates and inspires the employees to work and their satisfaction level increases. As far as the other set of factors is considered, it is called as hygiene factors. These are the factors whose existence at the workplace is essential (Adeniji, 2011). Their absence can develop the sense of dissatisfaction but their presence may not lead to motivation but their absence can create dissatisfaction. Some of the factors are pay, workplace environment, etc. Various authors suggest that employee dissatisfaction can be analysed from the behaviour of the employees in the organisation. The employees who are dissatisfied with the company and its processes reflect their dissatisfaction in their performance and their engagement in the organisation (Aziri, 2011). The dissatisfied employees become passive towards the organisation and do not take any initiatives voluntarily for the benefit of the company. They did not have the sense of belongingness amongst them and thus always seems unhappy and depressed. It has been analysed that there are many cause that can results in development of dissatisfaction amongst the employees and these factors may be workplace environment, bad behaviour of the employees of colleagues, strict behaviour of the managers, partiality and inequality etc. these factors develop the dissatisfaction in the employees also affects their performance as a whole. It has been realised that in order to make the things effective in the organisation, it is required to concentrate on keeping the high performers in the company and getting rid of the low performers in the company. For analysing who is the performer and who is low performer, it is required by the company to provide and equal and fair environment to all for work and thus, the company needs to take the decision that how it can retain the high performers. Causes of employees dissatisfaction: There are many causes that have resulted in dissatisfaction amongst the employees in The Homemakers. The major issues were observed to be experienced by the workers at the factories who are engaged in manufacturing plant of the company. Some of the causes are: Unequal distribution of pay: it has been analysed that the workers at the company are facing the issues of unequal ay even if they are working at the similar designation or position. It has been observed that the workers are being paid on the basis of their personal relation with the top management and every worker has different salary slab (Hur, 2017). This is very unethical in nature and thus the workers who are paid less feel dissatisfied with the job. Poor management: the management at the workplace is very poor. The employees at the organisation do not have the opportunity to share their opinions and ideas to the upper management. The power to taking decision is in the hands of the top management and the workers have to follow the same (Chu and Kuo, 2015). Lack of rewards and recognition: the company lacks the policy of providing rewards and recognition to the employee who performs with excellences. This nature of the organisation demotivates the employees to perform and also increases the employee turnover of the company. This is because providing rewards to the employees inspires the employees to perform so that they can get the opportunity to earn rewards (Deery and Jago, 2015). This also develops the competition amongst the employees to perform better. Recognition is the practice to make the employee recognized in the company as per his performance. This is also the strategy to motivate the person to perform. Limited growth in career: when the employee realise that they will not get any career growth in the company, they may find new jobs in other companies (Aruna and Anitha, 2015). This is because it is not only the monetary benefits that the employee wants but career growth is also important. At The Homemakers, the employees felt that they do not have the opportunity to grow. The HR department of the company is not very effective an active in showing career path to the employees. Lack of work life balance: most of the companies fail to manage the work life balance for the employees and maintaining work life balance for the employees is very important. It has been analysed that work life balance is necessary for the employees to perform effectively at the workplace. It is the most important requirement of the employees that their company offers them work life balance (Humphreys, et al. 2017). In The Homemakers, the employees have to work overnight and also have no fix week offs. This results in unmanaged work and life for the employees. Ineffective change management: It had been analysed that when the change is being considered, a proper process needs to be followed in order to implement the change. The Homemakers, also lacks the effective process of managing the change in the organisation. Possible consequences: It has been analysed that if the employee dissatisfaction remains the same in the organisation for long term than the organisation face many issues. Following are the major issues that are faced by the organisation: Lack of employee performance: It has been analysed that if the employees are not happy with the organisation and its environment then this develops a sense of dissatisfaction amongst them and this also reduced the efforts they put in for performing the tasks they have allocated with. This affects their individual performance along with their organisational performance as a whole (King and Tang, 2018). High employee turnover: employee turnover refers to the number of the employees leaving the organisation in a year. This can be high in the organisation where the employees are dissatisfied. As far as the employee turnover rate of The Homemakers is considered, it has been analysed that it is very high. This is because most of the workers of the organisation are dissatisfied with the working environment and the policies of the company. They prefer to leave the organisation as they feel that they are not able to balance their work and personal life (Reb, Narayanan and Ho, 2015). Bad image of the company: the major issues that the company face or the most important negative consequence the company face because of dissatisfaction of the employees is the bad image of the company. High employee turnover rate and reviews of the employees for the organisation and affect the image of the organisation in the market, each and every individuals who looks for the job prefers to enter the company with high motivational values an good working environment (Fernandez and Moldogaziev, 2015). Losses: employees are the most important part of the organisation. They are the one who implements the process that are being imposed in the origination. If the employees feel dissatisfied, they wont perform and thus the company has to face the losses because of the poor performance in the market. All the consequences that has been discussed above leads to an ultimate results that is losses of the company. The homemakers is the organisation that is bearing so many losses for last one year but still not managing their policies as per the company (Laird, Harvey and Lancaster, 2015). The organisation is very much profit and work oriented and neglects the employees at every level. Recommendations: Effective change management process: As far as the situation of The Homemakers is considered, it has been analysed that the company is facing the issues of change management. When the company has incorporated the new communication portal for the employees, it has ben analysed that the change process has not been implemented effectively. It has been recommended that the company has to adapt one of the change model such as given by Levins. This model includes three steps of change management. Unfreezing Transition Refreezing Unfreezing: it is the first step that includes the process of unlearning. The company has to implement the plan through which the employees who have to unlearn all the things and the practices they used to perform earlier (Huang, et al. 2016). This helps them to adapt the new things easily. Transition: it is the most crucial stage where the actual change takes place. At this stage, the organisation implements the change and the employees try to learn the same. It has been analysed that the employees and the management has to be very conscious at this point of time. Refreezing: it is the last stage of the model in which the employees have to start using the new practices and needs to be familiar with the changes that has been made. This stage allows the employees to accept the changes thoroughly. Rewards and recognition program: Employees need to feel motivated in order to perform effectively. This can be done by rewarding the employees or providing them some extra benefits. Introduction of rewards and recognition program by The Homemakers help the company to retain the employees and also helps in increasing their satisfaction level (Ahammad, et al. 2016). It has been analysed hat rewarding the employees is not only about monetary benefits but the benefits and the perks can be given by other means also. Some of the rewards policies that can be implemented in the company are monetary benefits, holiday packages, recognition and wards to the high performers, extra incentives with the salary to the employees who perform overtime (Fu and Deshpande, 2014). Better HR and recruitment practices: HR practices involve the activities that need to be practiced in order to manage the human resource of the organisation. As far as the company in the case is considered, it has been analysed that the company is more work oriented than employee oriented and this requires the HR department of the company to implemented the policies that are in favour of the employees like training and development program, career development program, other skill development program etc. needs to be introduced that the employees feel inspired to be in the company. The recruitment process should be efficient in terms of hiring only the people who are skilled (Ribes, Touahri and Perthame, 2017). Fair and equal treatment to all: One of the major problems or issues that have been recognised in the company is unfair treatment amongst the employees. This is major reason that the employees are feeling demotivated to perform for the company (Humphreys, et al. 2017). If all the employees get equal opportunity and equal treatment irrespective of their caste, gender, religion, colour etc., it helps the to develop more integrity in their work and also improves the environment at the workplace. Performance related pay: it is required to pay the employees as per their performance. This helps the high performers to get extra perks from the company. The salary should be deducted for the low performers as well so that they can realise that they have to perform in order to get the perks and salary (Terera and Ngirande, 2014). Downsizing on the basis of performance: it is also one of the most important strategy that can be used in order to keep the high performers in the company and eliminate the low performers out of the company. Conclusion: The report concludes that The Home makers (fictitious company) is the company that deals with production of plastic lunch boxes and other kinds of boxes that are used at home for keeping the stuffs. It has been analysed that the company is facing a very big issue of employee job dissatisfaction. The reason or the cause of this dissatisfaction that have been found are unequal distribution of pay, improper management, lack of rewards and recognition, no motivation for the employees etc. it has been analysed that if the level of dissatisfaction amongst the employees remains same than the company has to face some of the consequences such as high employee turnover, poor performance of the employees etc. and the company bears a lot of loss because of the same. It has been recommended to the company that it should implement some of the strategies such as rewards and recognition program, effective change management program, etc. References: Adeniji, A.A., 2011. Organizational climate as a predictor of employee job satisfaction: Evidence from Covenant University.Business intelligence journal,4(1), pp.151-166. Ahammad, M.F., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y. and Glaister, K.W., 2016. 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